Friday 6 June 2014

Taylor-Hales Survey

I've been very interested in what people are saying on the Ex-Exclusive Brethren Facebook group lately.  I mean, it's always interesting to compare notes with people from a similar but far more extreme group.  Adds perspective. Makes one grateful.  Makes one want to learn.
   And I did survey monkey surveys for mostly my own brand of Brethren people last fall, so I thought I'd make a survey for Taylor-Hales folk. It's here.
    I was afraid no one would answer, but five people did the survey in the first twenty minutes.  One person on the Facebook group expressed concern about me doing a survey "for my own entertainment."  Thought it was too serious a thing to talk about.  But I like how it's going, and people are into it, so I'm going to let it keep bubbling for a week, and then blog some of the anonymous comments.  It's already interesting.
   For example:

Q: Someone has just left the Brethren and has contacted you to ask what s/he should do for his/her first year "out." S/he wants to acclimatize to life outside the movement, keep ties to the Exclusive Brethren severed, and get a workable life together. What advice would you offer?

A: keep your head down and don't make huge financial and emotional decisions for a year get to know yourself, so spend time alone without other peoples direct influence, to sort out the shit in your head, because its there, dont think its not and that youre the one person who is going to come out unscathed

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