Saturday 6 August 2011

August Rolls On Apace

  August rolls on apace.  I am keeping busy by watching Arrested Development (which is having an unfortunate influence on my vocal cadences when telling any anecdotes.  I start talking like Ron Howard), Buffy, The X-Files and Babylon 5.
  I have been shooting bits of video with my digital SLR camera, and then editing them together to make video to go with my songs.  That's fun.  Very small-time movie making, but still... Some bits of it are on my YouTube channel.
  Almonte has a huge puppetry festival each summer, and I often play live music at it.  Dude in charge of it forgot to ask me this year, so I was pouty, then he woke me up this morning with a phone call, asking me to sing.
  I hung out talking to the sound guys and kids recently graduated from our school who were photographing and sound-mixing the event, and also went to ARG Mayhem, the Star Wars, GI Joe and wrestling toy store, comic store and video rental place.  There were people dressed as various Star Wars characters, so I hung out with them and talked about props and stuff.  Cool to be talking with people who knew more about Star Wars than I do.
  Put on my top hat and vintage 80s Adidas basketball shoes (white with black stripes) and busted out some music like I just didn't care.  It was good.  It wasn't mistake-free, but it was passionate.  A recently-graduated student from our school wanted to play drums for me, so we did that.  Just before I left the apartment, a girl on Facebook had quoted the True Blood theme song, saying "I wanna do bad things with you," so I commented "Do you dare me to sing that song in the middle of my town, wearing a top hat?"  (I was going to do that anyway).  She agreed, and I did it and was soon furnished with photographic evidence of the deed.

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