Tuesday 7 September 2004

My First Day Teaching High School English

I jetted in, driving faster than I'd wanted to, because I somehow managed as usual to start out getting up early and ended up leaving late. It takes me an hour and twenty minutes to drive from door-t0-door. My grade 9's were wide-eyed and eager to please, and the grade 10's were generally, by comparison, bored, sullen and begrudging each task or response asked of them. I have an idea for tomorrow that I like. In keeping with their "functional literacy" needs, I am going to do the following:
Put an "action" scene from a TV show (like a car chase or crime of some sort) on the VCR with the sound off, let them watch it (it would be a short scene) and then they have to make a written report as if to a police officer as to what they saw, describing the sequence of events and people and objects in as much detail as they can remember.
I include here a shot of me in the first week here, and also a shop teacher who has shaved his beard the day before this photo was taken.

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