Thursday 10 June 2004

A multimedia yearbook for the Alt School

All year at the Adult/Alternative High School where I work, I've been taking digital camera pictures of any and all special events. I have a lot of pics now, and the boss lady suggested "Why don't we(you) make a digital Yearbook for the graduating students?" She thought I should do this and then burn it onto a CD for them. I pointed out that many of them might not have computers, or not good enough ones for playing movie files, especially if I put sound on it. I suggested making what she said, then outputting it to VHS tape. Far more people have VCRs than good computers. For the last day and a half I have been paid to stay home and work on it on my computer systems at home. I have been sitting in my underwear in the sweltering room, editing away for pay. I put the still pics into PowerPoint slideshows, outputted these to video format, added a couple of funny little video short things, threw in some Flash animation and a soundtrack and classic Hanna Barbara sound effects, and we had a winner. I consulted a friend for a perfect current #1 hit single for the first part (I don't listen to the radio) and it's done.

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